Terms and Privacy Policy

Please do your own homework. We’ve put this info here to help, but as with all info on the internet, it pays to check. Seek professional advice.

We make no guarantees about the accuracy of the information on this site or whether it pertains to your situation or not. This information may be out of date, inaccurate, or even completely wrong. We accept no liability for any loss or damage resulting from this information and its use, and you agree to this by using this website.

We are not responsible for any comments or content from third parties. By posting a comment to this site you agree to play nicely and not defame, defraud, insult, harass, spam or any other nastiness.


We will protect your privacy. Your name and email address are optional, and if you provide either we won’t spam you or willingly give your email address to anyone who does. Any comments you make will probably end up on the site visible to others along with any name you provide, however your email address will not be shown. Our site uses cookies to store session and user data. For each visitor to our website we collect some basic, non-personally identifiable information, such as browser type, language, operating system, pages viewed and so on. We use this data to gauge visitor traffic, trends and improve our website. Advertisers also use cookies to improve your advertisement experience. If you have any concerns about this policy, please contact us.

You can view your cookie settings by clicking the button below:


We may receive advertising revenue and commissions for the products we recommend on our website through InfoLinks, Google Adsense and various affiliate programs. We have little control over the advertisements, but the affiliate links are all very deliberate choices and we only partner with companies who we believe offer excellent products and will do the right thing by you. This is not a click bait site – this is the culmination of 20+ years experience of running an IT company.


This site and contents are ©Copyright Daniel Bingham and LivingRain Pty Ltd T/A Bingtastic (I/me/we/us) from 1997 till present. All rights reserved. All trademarks and creations of others remain their respective properties.

We have copied and pasted things from all over the place. We’ve tried to attribute works to their owners. If we haven’t, please let us know and we will either remove or attribute as requested.

Have a great day!

Daniel Bingham